Wednesday 5 December 2018

Winter is Coming...

As the year draws to an end and temperatures drop keeping warm is a major concern, there are several ways we keep our homes warm in the winter months with some being more efficient than others.

Most homes today use highly efficient central heating systems, usually gas powered connected to the national grid or oil powered from an external tank in more remote locations rather than the open fireplaces of older properties.

Open fires look amazing but are relatively poor in terms of efficiency with the majority of the heat disappearing up the chimney and when not in use they suck warm air out of your home reducing the effectiveness of any insulation you may have in place.

Where a fire and chimney is located also has a great effect on its efficiency, when it was the common way to heat properties the fire place and chimney would be central to the building to get maximum thermal benefit from the heat radiating from the chimney bricks that act as a storage heater when the fire is out for a short period.

This is something you should consider when buying or building a home and if SHTF and you're looking for a location to set up in you should be looking for homes with fireplaces that are centrally placed.

My home has gas central heating and had an open fireplace that I replaced with a modern multifuel burning stove, it all but eliminates the draught of an unused fireplace and gives me a second means to heat our home should the gas system or supply fail.

I have seen online articles claiming its possible to heat a room at very little cost with just a couple of tea light candles and some ceramic pots, this theory isn't just wrong as it ignores the first law of thermodynamics its also very dangerous as I show in this video

There are portable gas heaters and electric heaters of various types that in a grid down situation can be powered by small generators that are effective, and much safer, if your property doesn't have a chimney or ability to add one.

Whatever you do always ensure that you have carbon monoxide (CO) detecting alarm as all combustion releases this toxic gas that is odorless so we cannot sense it before fatal concentrations are built up in an enclosed space.  

Take care


Wednesday 28 November 2018

First Aid Kits

First off apologies for all the anacronyms to follow, it may seem a bit like alphabet spaghetti but you'll soon come to know these terms as if they were the first words you learned.

I've been training in first aid since I was 12 when I first learned the basics as part of my Duke of Edinburgh award, after school I've maintained this with regular refresher courses on First Aid in the Workplace.

I have several First Aid kits that I maintain, each car we have has a small kit similar to what I pack when hiking or camping, my car is also used for my work so has a larger kit to account for the different risks and the largest is at home that has additional equipment not practical for the other kits.  

So to keep things simple lets discuss what should you have in an individual first aid kit (I.F.A.K.) because let’s be honest, there are many pre packed first aid kits out there to choose from.

The main fault with pre packed I.F.A.K. is they purposefully omit products in order to stay within a certain price point.

My training with St Johns Ambulance has always revolved around the traditional Airway, Breathing, Circulation (A.B.C.) system of casualty prioritisation.

And for 99.9% of injuries this is fine but for my work in construction and time spent outdoors for bushcraft using potentially lethal tools the military medics M.A.R.C.H. system is more relevant as major blood loss is most likely the main risk in an emergency situation;

M. Massive Hemorrhage - most first aid focusses on breathing and circulating air until help arrives but if you're isolated or the casualty has a massive blood loss wound you need to prevent blood loss in order to be able to then circulate it and the vital oxygen it carries.

A. Airway - as with regular first aid ensure the airways are unobstructed. 

R. Respiration - check if the casualty is breathing, if not begin Cardio, Pulmonary, Resuscitation (C.P.R.).

C. Circulation - traditionally cuts and wounds are placed after breathing as they are generally non life threatening, however we've already discussed that a major bleed is our start point so this is for less serious non arterial wounds that are easily bandaged.

H. Hypothermia / Heat Exhaustion - most patients will go into shock and if you're in an isolated location prolonged exposure to the elements can cause the casualty to quickly deteriorate.

Suggested items;

Massive Hemorrhage:

Gauze - at least two large dressings to plug a sizeable massive bleed, it can be bulky but its cheap and could be a life saver, if you can also have a tourniquet to slow most extremity bleeds.


Face Shield - you've cleared the casualty's airway but if it was full of blood and vomit do you want to put your mouth anywhere near it? These are small and cheap and in my opinion everyone should have one. There is more complex but specialist equipment but as I'm not trained in its use I don't want to do more harm than good.


C.P.R. Air Bags can help but I don't pack them generally due to their bulky nature and equipment for dealing with collapsed lungs etc is beyond my level but is something to consider. 


A good selection of bandages, dressings and tape of various sizes for general patch ups.

Hypothermia / Heat exhaustion:

This one is more of an initiative test, try to provide shelter from the elements and mitigate symptoms as best as possible with whatever is available.

Now many pre packed I.F.A.K. will have useful items that you should also consider such as alcohol wipes, antiseptic creams, latex gloves, cotton pads, tweezers, safety pins, scissors etc.

A big risk at my work or when camping for practicing bushcraft is burns so I also pack common clear plastic food wrap, if you wrap the burn area it prevents infection, fluid loss, is non stick unlike traditional bandages and is see through so medical professionals can assess the wound before removing it.

Eyewash is another essential to flush debris or harmful substances from a casualties eyes, little one use bottles are compact and inexpensive.

Whilst tweezers can be used for removing splinters etc, its a good idea to also pack a specialist tick removal tool, takes up very little space and costs pennies, if you're going to be outdoors for a while pack one.

Only medical professionals can legally prescribe and administer medicines, but if you're paddleless up the proverbial creek some common medicines such as paracetamol and ibuprofen for reducing fever and pain relief together with some aspirin and antibiotics could be very handy indeed... 

Hopefully whatever you pack you'll never have to use but its far better to have something and not need it than need something and not have it 

Take care


Saturday 17 November 2018

Time to Act

How we perceive time is relevant, when we're children time seems to pass so slowly, school will never end and car journeys last forever!

Once we're adults and we start families of our own time seems to speed up as we watch our children grow and see our parents and grandparents age

Often you will hear elderly people talk about how fast time has passed by in the blink of an eye, how the world is almost unrecognisable

This may be because when we have all our lives in front of us we don't feel it's constraints and feel free to do as we please, as our time becomes more limited it focuses us on tasks at hand

Complacency like this is perfectly fine and natural in children, after all mum and dad will fix everything and make it alright

But if we're not properly equipped with the skills, equipment and supplies, when it goes wrong we may not be able to make amends...

So stop putting things off until tomorrow, and start preparing and practicing today, to help you beat whatever tomorrow may bring

Take care


Tuesday 13 November 2018

Char cloth

There are many natural tinder sources but when you're out camping or if in an emergency situation you may not be able to find suitable materials so its a good idea to have a store of ready made tinder in your supplies

Char cloth is a great tinder source to accept a spark to produce a smouldering ember for your fire starting needs that has been used for centuries, is very easy to make, and the only materials you require are old cotton rag cloth

As we know from the principles of fire we need fuel, heat and oxygen to create a fire

So to make char cloth, our cotton is the fuel and we want to heat it but starve it of oxygen so the cloth smolders but doesn't ignite and be destroyed by fire

I made this video showing the process of making your own char cloth on YouTube

Traditionally flint and steel would've been how you produced the spark but nowadays many people use the simpler and more effective ferrocerium "ferro" rods as I did

Small versions of which are in gas lighters so a cheap disposable lighter that has no gas can still be of use in an emergency

The great thing about char cloth is you are using your fire to create the materials for your next fire

Simply cut your cotton to fit whatever metal container you're going to use, this container should have a lid that is close fitting but not airtight as the cotton will emit gases as it chars and we want to allow them to escape, I use an old altoids mints tin

Then place this container on the side of your fire, it will take about ten minutes to fully char the cloth, as this happens you will see the gas venting from your container

Once you can no longer see any venting remove from the fire and allow to cool, if you open the container too soon the introduction of oxygen to the still hot material could cause it to ignite

After a couple of minutes it should be safe to open your container and inspect your handiwork without destroying it

This is a great way to make use of torn clothing that you might otherwise have thrown away to create a very handy tinder

Take care


Monday 5 November 2018

Principles of Fire

You've got your shelter from the elements made, and hopefully there's a nearby water source

But to keep yourself warm, to cook and to purify that water you're going to need a fire
In order to get fire you need three things;

1. Oxygen - luckily this is all around us so you've got that covered

2. Fuel - dry combustible material, again nature has your back here as there are many natural tinders all you have to do is know what ones are common where you live

3. Heat - this can be generated by friction when you rapidly move two objects together, focusing sunlight with a lens or a spark from a fire steel etc etc

Ideally you should practise as many different ways of starting a fire as you can because when you're in an emergency situation you don't know what materials you'll have at hand to work with but a good place to start is a ferrocerium rod

These readily give showers of sparks at 3000°C that will ignite suitable tinder with ease and they're able to work in extreme conditions

So get out there and practice its great fun and it could save you life one day

Take care

Saturday 27 October 2018

Cheap and simple DIY blacksmith forge

For a while now I've been wanting to make some items for campfire cooking with my cast iron cookware, but I didn't have a forge so I decided to make one!

Now I wanted to make this as cheaply as possible so this is what I used;

1. Sand
2. Plaster
3. Disposable BBQ
4. Hand crank BBQ blower
5. Washing machine waste hose 
6. Steel tube

I only had to buy the BBQ (£1.99) and the blower (£1.80) as I already had the other items

First I removed the grill from the disposable BBQ and emptied the charcoal out for later, this tin tray would be the basis for my forge

Then I took the small section of steel pipe from my BBQ blower and I wrapped it in clingfilm and with my penknife I cut a small opening in one side of the tray that this could be passed through

I mixed equal amounts of dry sand and plaster until the mixture was uniform in colour before adding water and mixing again until I was happy with the consistency

This mixture was placed in the BBQ tray and shaped to form my fire bowl ensuring that the small steel pipe section wasn't obstructed as that will be for my air supply

The next day the mixture had set so I removed the small section of pipe and clingfilm and set a fire using the charcoal from the BBQ, then I connected the blower to the fire bowl with steel pipe and the washing machine hose which was a perfect fit!

After a few minutes I was able to heat a 10mm steel allen key to a nice cherry red colour which I was happy with so I declared the forge a success

I had an old pump for inflatable air beds that also fitted the washing machine hose so gave that a go too and it was much better

So it is possible to make a cheap working small forge from these materials that are readily available but add a small electric pump if you can for a much improved performance

Take care

Saturday 20 October 2018

Cleaning wood burning stove glass

Wood burning stoves are a great addition to any home, you have a heat source independent from the national utility grids.

Many have glass doors so that you can enjoy watching the flames which is much better evening entertainment than your television!

Even if you only use good quality seasoned timber you will get a build up of tar on this glass and will want to clean it occasionally.

Many companies have developed various solutions that usually cost about £5 for a litre bottle.

This isn't expensive but in my opinion it is unnecessary.

Glass is naturally non stick so all that's required is a mild abrasive, simply place a piece of kitchen towel paper into water before dabbing into your ash pan so that it has ash stuck to it.
Then wipe across the stove glass, the ash will lift away the tar then simply use a fresh kitchen paper towel to wipe away the residue to have wonderfully clear glass so you can enjoy your next fire to the full.

I hope this has been of help to you and will save you wasting money, take care.

Thursday 18 October 2018


Now that you're all set to hunker down and ride out a minor situation for a few days it's time to consider longer term situations.

If we are faced with a crisis that extends beyond a few days into weeks or longer resources will quickly begin to run out.

Bushcraft is the term for the skills and knowledge people have learnt and passed on over the centuries for survival prior to the technological age we now live in.

The ability to recognise and make use of your surroundings outdoors to;

- build shelter from the elements
- various ways of firestarting
- hunting and gathering wild edibles
- traditional craftwork to construct items to make life in the wilderness more comfortable

Not every bushcrafter will be a prepper, but every prepper should know some basic bushcraft.

Learning these skills is fun as well as practical as they will serve you well in an emergency situation and it helps to preserve our historical traditions.

The more you know the less gear you need is a common mantra so expand your knowledge and skill set then get out there and practice!

Take care

Monday 15 October 2018

Every Day Carry (EDC)

Everyday carry or E.D.C. as the name suggests is the items that you always have with you whenever you leave your home.

For the past several months my E.D.C. has been;

1. Intey 10 in 1 multitool - this multitool has several common uses as well as the ability to process wood for firewood or shelter building.

2. Swiss army pocket knife - absolutely essential item everyone should have one in their pocket.

3. Cotton bandana - can be used as an emergency bandage or face mask.

4. Ferrocerium "ferro" rod - a means of igniting a fire is crucial and ferrocerium or "ferro" rods create sparks over 3000⁰C that are guaranteed to start a fire and are weatherproof.

5. Paracord bracelet - looks good and is a easy way of carrying over 2m of paracord for multiple uses from shelter building to trapping.

6. Vaseline - the tins reflective lid makes a good emergency signal mirror, the "wonder jelly" as its inventor originally called it can help start a fire and prevent skin dryness and cracking.

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Shelter from the storm

We've touched on water purification or storage and the importance of having at least 72 hours worth of food storage at home for short term crisis.

Luckily you already have excellent shelter from the elements in your home, so for the vast majority of situations staying at home conserving your water and food is the best way to survive most situations as help is likely on the way.

But what if it isn't? 😟

There may be situations where your home isn't viable as shelter in the case of extreme events such as volcanic earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption as happened last week
(Friday 28th September 2018) in the Palu Bay area of Indonesia that had all three, as you can see in the linked video below;

Thankfully these events are rare but even in the more geologically stable parts of the world its important to have shelter from the elements to avoid heat stroke and hypothermia etc

As this blog is called Prepared Camping its obvious that I and my family enjoy time camping and we have several tents and probably more camping equipment than we actually need!

But you can get adequate shelter from simple items such as a waterproof poncho, tarp or even the environment around you from empty buildings and bridge flyovers in an urban setting to cave or debris shelters in more rural areas.

Whilst walking with my three year old son we placed some branches against this fallen tree to make a little den, if we actually needed a shelter we would simply continue placing small twigs then cover with dead foliage and moss and you have a simple debris shelter with very little effort.

This would provide cover from the sun and a prevailing wind and depending on how thick you constructed it could even be reasonably waterproof in under an hour, this can then be improved by building a fire for warmth and cooking etc preferably with a reflector wall behind it to better direct the heat towards your shelter.

During colder periods or if fire making will be difficult keep your shelter low and small as you're trying to minimise loss of body heat.

So get outdoors and start practicing some simple skills that are also great for entertaining your little ones! 😉

Take care


Tuesday 9 October 2018

How to make a paper briquette, free fire logs!

Part of daily life in the modern world is receiving junk through your letterbox, from free local newspapers to sales leaflets.

But you can recycle this waste into something useful.

If you have young children they will love the messy play whilst helping you make free paper briquettes or logs for your fire! 😉

You can view the video I made showing the process here;

The process is simple, you start by shredding or tearing the the paper and soaking in a bucket of water until its completely saturated.

A paddle mixer and a drill help speed up getting the paper into same consistency as paper mache, its not necessary just more fun! 

Once you have made your paper mache mix simply scoop it out and if you have a briquette press fill it and compress to remove as much water as possible, if you don't have a press just squeeze it and form into block shapes by hand

Leave the bricks to dry for a couple of days or if the weather is poor store indoors where its warm and dry like an airing cupboard for about a week to fully dry out. 

Once dry simply start a fire as you normally would with appropriate tinder and kindling and add your free  recycled paper fire logs

Take care


Thursday 4 October 2018

INTEY 10 in 1 multi tool review

For the last few months I've had this little multi tool as part of my E.D.C. (Every Day Carry) I bought it from Amazon but I've also seen them for sale on eBay for around £10 to £15 

The 10 tools are;

1. Knife
2. Saw
3. Flathead screwdriver
4. Phillips screwdriver
5. Bottle opener
6. Can opener
7. Plier grip
8. Needlenose pliers
9. Wire cutter
10. Carabiner

It is packaged with a 600DD cotton carry pouch that has a nice belt loop for wearing on your hip or attaching to a pack. You can see a video of the various uses here;

Click here to find the Intey 10 in 1 multi tool on Amazon, please note this is an affiliate link and as an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases on this link but you will not be charged any extra, I have not been paid to review this product

I've been pleasantly surprised by how good it was for most tasks, only the can opener was a sub par performer for what I would expect from a multi tool but it still worked!

It's no leatherman but for a fraction of the cost is a value for money tool.

Take care


Tuesday 2 October 2018

Swiss Army Volcano Ranger Stove Review

This military surplus aluminium three piece set comprises a water bottle that nests between the cup and stove itself.

I really like this set for hiking as you don't require any fuel you simply use whatever dead wood and pine cones etc you find wherever you decide to take your break.

Its widely available online and you may find it at various army surplus stores priced from £10 to £18 depending on condition, as new or previously issued.

You can see a quick video I did showing it in use here 👇  

Eagle eyed viewers will have noticed that my set has some modifications, whilst it worked fine I decided to try some alterations to my set which I feel have improved it.

Firstly the bottle that comes with it is fine but I didn't like the push fit cork stopper so I swapped this for a cheap bottle with a screwtop cap.

Next to aid airflow I drilled additional holes in the cooker and found a sink drainer cover that fits inside to allow the air to get under the burning twigs to help create draught. The opening for adding more twigs etc was fairly small so I widened it slightly as well.

Lastly to speed up water boiling time I fashioned a lid for the cup from a tin can that was a perfect fit, and the ham made a great sandwich win-win!

It burns very efficiently producing little smoke so is excellent for stealth or wild camping.

All in all it's a great little set that I recommend you buy if you see it available as its exceptional value for money 👍

Take care,



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