Tuesday, 25 February 2020

COVID-19 global pandemic

The novel corona virus designated COVID-19 is now a global pandemic with several cases of people being infected that have no connection to China, click here for real time tracker.

The new South Korean and Italian hotspots have prompted panic buying that cleared shop shelves as the unprepared masses rushed to ready themselves for extended self isolation.

Thousands queued for hours to buy protective masks, ironically increasing their risk of exposure by being in close proximity to others for a period of time.

What to do?

  • Store at least a months supply of food in your home in case you have to self isolate

  • Avoid people as much as practically possible, stay away from crowded areas known for transmitting infections such as public transport in particular

  • Maintain high level of hygiene, be able to sanitise your home and potentially decontaminate yourself when you return from any trips outside and have appropriate PPE (respirator, goggles,gloves and overalls for high risk areas) 

The incubation period appears to be several days during which patients are unaware that they're infected so in turn are passing the virus to others.

For the vast majority of people that become infected they will go on to fully recover but it can cause severe symptoms and death particularly to those with underlying conditions so the death rate appears to be much worse for the elderly who are more likely to have these conditions.

Even those at low risk should do all they can to avoid infection in order to prevent its transmission as we all know people that fall into the higher risk categories...

Take care

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