Thursday, 13 February 2020

Prepping for COVID-19 the novel corona virus

The 2019 virus originating from Wuhan in China is a newly discovered corona virus.

Corona viruses are quite common often resulting in what is known as the common cold or flu that infect the respiratory system resulting in coughing, sneezing, fever and possibly breathing difficulties leading to pneumonia.

Most people that contract these common corona virus infections make full recoveries but it can be lethal for those with poor immune systems such as the very young and elderly or if there is an underlying health condition like diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disease who develop complications.

Covid-19 is a new virus thought to have crossed over into humans from a contaminated meat market in Wuhan that appears to cause severe symptoms in many more people than than is normal.

Much like the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) corona virus identified in 2003 also originating from China or  Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoVidentified in Saudi Arabia in 2012 did.

The virus is spread in the droplets we exhale that either directly enter a new host through inhalation and splashing into contact with our eyes or by landing on surfaces that others then touch and transfer to their mouth or eyes.

As such the main way to prevent infection is to maintain high hygiene levels by properly washing hands and disinfecting surfaces people make contact with and where possible avoiding people as they may be infected.

Disposable PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) should be worn when in known infected areas covering the whole body but as a minimum wear gloves, eye protection and a suitable respirator (specified N95 or better, fitted properly!).

Care should be taken when removing and disposing of these as they should be considered contaminated after use, place into plastic bags taking care not to squeeze them down which could force air out that could carry the infected droplets.

This virus is spreading rapidly thanks to international air travel of infected people so stock up now in order to self isolate at home if it reaches your area for a minimum of fourteen days.

As well as food, water and medicines buy and store products to ensure your hygiene;

Hand sanitiser
Plastic waste bags
Plastic sheeting and duct tape
Bleach and cleaning fluids

I covered this in a recent video on YouTube "Prepping for the corona virus";

Take care,

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